Video Music Box 30th anniversary
Peace to the world!!! Wow, it's like I had millions things to write about! Like Biggie said "I've got a story to tell".Wednesday, November 27th was the 30th anniversary of VMB (Video Music Box) . My friend and amazing dancer Chance invited me. As usual, when I came into the club, my eyes were shining! I can tell that I was the youngest and that by far! So, let me describe the place when I arrived: it was dark (of course) not to much crowed at the begining and there were all this men with hoddies and baggy jean..., I felt like I was in paradise! I am pretty sure my friend Myshap would feel the same ^^. Well, I met my friend Chance and some women dressed by Truvia offered us some tasty cupcakes. And I have to write this, I'm not a big fan at all of american pastry (we french people are really better than you for desserts!), especially not with chocolate but their cupcakes were... OMG! They were marvellous! Then my friend Mateo arrived and I just jumped on his arms like a crazy monkey!
What is VMB? To make a long story short, the incredible Ralph McDaniels created this tv program dedicaded to urban video clips in 1983, that was an excellent opportunity for rappers to be seen on tv with their videos. Here is the intro: [youtube][/youtube]Ralph McDaniels was hosted and so many influent people from our Hip Hop culture were at the party.
DJ Scratch was mixing first
[youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]
Then DJ FunkMaster Flex show us what he got![youtube][/youtube]And of course we started dancing! People were chilling, sipping their drinks, videos were projected on the wall, DJ was doing his great job on the stage, and everybody came into the stage to say something, to rap, to sing, to dance, to show off a little bit, to take pictures, to hug and to have fun.I was so honored to be among those legends who made our Hip Hop. Do you want some names? Ok, ok, but don't cry!Ralph McDaniels, Skoobz , DJ Scratch, DJ Funk Master Flex, Easy Mo Bee, Pow Wow, Kool Herc, Dj Wiz, Jazzy Jay, BRB, Eye Believe Itz, Kool Rock Ski, Chuck Chillout, Keith Shocklee, Chi Ali, Ted Ted, Dana Dane, Kool DJ Red Alert, Voice Of Harlem...... Oh, but maybe you want to see some pictures right? Ok, I've got something for you...
It was also Skoob's birthday.
Let's now watch the videos of rappers rapping! [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] This one is my favourite! Shout out to Voice Of Harlem![youtube][/youtube] And the dancers dancing!Good or just "ok" dancers came in the cerle, no criticism, just good time! [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]
And this woman jumped on the stage for a demo of her favourite dance. She knows how to boogie! [youtube][/youtube] I caught Ralph McDaniels with his VMB carpet designe by the company Def Rugs owned by Mr Erick Sermon. You can shop on line at:
As conclusion, I would write that I was more than satisfied of my night. It is always impressive to be surrounded by big monsters of Hip Hop like that. I felt the 80's spirit but I was a bit nostalgic because I thought about my French soldiers who would love to enjoy the party with me. Thank God, I had some of my NYC homies and I met good people! I was really happy to be here and represent the mid' generation of Hip Hop because without video clips, it would be so hard for us who don't live in the USA to soak from American rapper and Hip Hop culture. Through them, we could live, breath and act Hip Hop.Peace n Kiss.