The Roots Annual OkayPlayer Holiday Jam
Like the Wu Tang said: "Bon to the jour" (which is "bonjour" which means "Hello") and Merry Christmas.I hope that wherever you are (I'm in Atlanta) you have fun, you are with people you love, you can eat as you want to, you're healthy and the most important, you're happy!I don't need to wish you more than happiness and health! For this special day, two articles because my love for Hip Hop is my gift for you. Two weeks ago, the legendary super group The Roots performed on stage for the 07th Annual OkayPlayer Holiday Jam. You know how much I love to describe, so let's go! My friend Mateo (yes this dear Mateo!) invited me to this party at the Brooklyn Bowl in Brooklyn of course! No need to describe what it is, everything in is its name. I came late because I had to fix something with my internet again... One other thing that WE FRENCH people have better THAN YOU AMERICANS ;) I was on the line and I didn't recognize one of Raekwon's brothers (funny it's like Isley Brothers jajajajaja. Well, sorry...), so I didn't say "hi"... But you know, all these Black people in the dark are so alike (I'm kidding of course, I'm Black myself)! I just recognized him once he was on the stage... So, if you read my article, I AM SOOOOOO SORRY!!!!!Each artist was a surprise because we didn't have all the line-up. We could figure it out because of the past years but we couldn't be sure hundred percent about who will perfom. Once I was inside, one the best beatboxer ever was on the stage. Do you know who I'm talking about? I don't need to introduce the one and only Rahzel! He was just started with "If I Ever Fall In Love" of Shai. It was spectacular! So spectacular that I forgot to turn on my camera... So-rry... But I put my head down and I started to record. Then, for me, for you, for us, he did his famous "If your mother only knew". If you never heard it, it's NO PROBLEMO, I've got your back (jajajaja) (I feel so funny tonight ^^)[youtube][/youtube]And I red that some Caribbean artists would maybe perform... But who? I don't write a word about it... Just... One of them is one of the most international known reggea artists, one is the son of Alton Ellis and one is the most famous soca music artist... Check this out (in France, when I was kid, we said "chéguélaoute"! And i know some people still say that. Shame on you and learn english!)[youtube][/youtube][youtube][/youtube][youtube][/youtube][youtube][/youtube] Then we had the new soul and sweet music but I didn't record anything, I wasn't in this soft mood. Bilal went on stage and I can tell you that I was so desappointed! His voice wasn't on point at all... Far from that. I saw everybody such amazed and I finally asked myself if people had audition troubles because they were all screaming as if it was the best perfomance ever, and believe me it was not!Thank God, rappers showed up on stage! I was so excited! Big Daddy Kane, Black Thought, Raekwon... All of them are on my top ten and one of them is one of the rappers I could get married with jajajajaja![youtube][/youtube][youtube][/youtube][youtube][/youtube][youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube][youtube][/youtube] Do you know that Guillotine is actually my favorite Raekwon's track? When he performed it with Black Thought, that just reminded Method Mand and Black Thought at Jimmy Fallon's TV show with "Protect Ya Neck".[youtube][/youtube] They end up the jam with a good bye-merry christmas-it's so funny-we love you- we love the music- we are crazy song![youtube][/youtube] I think that was definitly the funiest, craziest show that I had ever seen because I never saw musicians having that much fun like that! It was hilarious! They were laughing and dancing and you could see, feel the love for their passion. I didn't want them to leave the stage.I really had a supa dupa time even if Bilal desappointed me. Thanks to the OKP team and my super Mateo, always on point!
Peace n kiss n Merry Christmas!Lya Pouleyy