The importance of spiritual art

Bonjour sweet sweet readers. Hope you are doing wonderful. Have you ever thought about the relationship between the arts and your soul? What is the importance of art in your spirituality?

But first of all, let’s define what does '“spiritual art” mean?

According to Wikipedia: “Spiritualist art or spirit art or mediumistic art or psychic painting is a form of art, mainly painting, influenced by spiritualism.”

According to the Journal of the Association for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Arts: “Spiritual art: Evocation and expression of transpersonal Knowing.”

According to Lya Pouleyy (me): “It is a form of art that touches your Soul, brings you to another dimension, takes you to another level of consciousness ”

These kind of specific art connects you to your Higher-self, to the Divine, the Universe, God, or whatever your beliefs are.

Examples of spiritual art:

Body movement and dance can be considered as spiritual art. Your body is the perfect conduct to create a direct relationship with the spiritual world. It allows you to reach a meditative state of mind and sometimes a trance state.

Music: Listening to some specific frequencies, a melody, lyrics can penetrate your heart and your mind. Music can balance your energies, help you to readjust your vibrations.

Artworks: They can visually connect you to your Higher power and definitely help you focusing on your meditations and prayers. They can also bring some emotions and memories of things that you need to work on. Or remind you what is important to you. Art pieces might sooth you and assist you through contemplation and meditation.

Spiritual art can show you what is deep inside of you and makes you reconnect with your true-self whenever you feel lost, confused, disconnected, doubtful, unfocused etc.

As an artists, I create spiritual art pieces such as Your Vortex

You can also visit my store to explore more spiritual art options or stop by to my art studio in NYC. You can also request a commissioned spiritual art project. Let’s talk about it!

Peace n kiss!


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