"Je suis bonne, je suis une femme" PARTY
Peace to the world ! Hope everybody's doing well, I'm actually in Barcelone (Spain) where I rest with friends. I enjoy this time to write a special «ladies post». Sorry guys but THIS is NOT for you, except if you want to offer something to your Mum, girl, friend, sister, cousin or whatever :)Two weeks ago I think, instead of practicing (Hip Hop dance), I went to an event in Paris, at «La Bellevilloise» dedicated to women. It's not their first trial, there are already several «Je suis bonne, Je suis une femme» (I'm hot, I'm a woman) events. The public was exclusivly feminine but many artists on stage were males... I came with a friend Bagheerra Yug (she is headbands designer, check on her facebook http://www.facebook.com/BagheeraYug ) and we headed to a food stand!Two friends, girl and boy, cooked hundred hosts with famous faces in chocolate! They also sold tee shirts « I'm mormon don't panic», refered to «I'm muslim don't panic». No offense to religious people, take it easy, it's just third degree ;) . If you want to test some hosts: http://www.facebook.com/fishandseriph, fishandseriph@gmail.com .
The second stand was a jewels one. Madame Melon is the designer. You can find her in Barcelona. She designes originals neckless, bracelets and earings. Here are her contacts : http://www.facebook.com/madame.melon and http://www.madame-melon.com/ , http://mdam-melon.blogspot.com.es/
The third stand was accessories too. Leslie Brochot designed everything that she is able to with figurines! That is so cute! I had a crush for the kangooroo neckless! You'd better check on her website: http://lanlie.fr/home.html and eher email adress: leslie.brochot@gmail.com.
Then we went to a dark side, with a soothsayer who read your future on tarot. I'm a bit scared of that, I'm not sure that I would like to know my future especially if it is full of catastrophies! I also hidden myself to take a picture of body painting on a model.
After being frightened, we came back to the light, at the Make Up School, where you could have a glittered «Je suis bonne For Ever» tatoo (I am hot For Ever). My friend get one. http://www.makeupforever.fr/news/les-news/decouvrez-la-make-up-school.html,9,1,0,0,201#.T5Ubj6t1DQM and http://www.makeupforever.fr/academy/bienvenue.html,1,14,0,0,0.
Close to it, two men gave you the opportunity to design your own cupcake but if you didn't have any imagination, if you were to lazy to make one or if just wanted to eat one with simplicity, you could buy a cupcake for one euro. A man you cook pastries just for you ? That doesn't knock on your door everyday! So, you can reach Yann Le Gall at contact@sweetandrock.com, and his blog: http://sweetandrock.com/.
I met upstairs, one of my old dancer friends, with who I practiced every mondays and thursdays for more than five years. She is a talentous journalist and a great modern jazz dancer! I want to share with you that moment because I am more than ever nostalgic of this time when I danced with my girls and my modern jazz teacher... I wish all of them, the best ever in dance and life.But I exactly knew why they were at this place : FOOD! A nice buffet on table and waitresses where expected for you if you were hungry, thirsty or just greedy :)
We couldn't stay until the end because we had to dance but we had a good time discovering all those stands. I hope to see you there next time:) Peace n kiss, Lya Pouleyy