Method Man and Redman's show at the Cabaret Sauvage, Paris
Peace to the world!I hope y'all are perfectly good. Last sunday, december 09th 2012, I was with some of my Wu Family at Method Man and Redman's show at Le Cabaret Sauvage in Paris. I didn't come that late in order not to wait in the line. I took my invitation then I went inside the concert hall. I met a good friend first and I said hello to the merchandising team. You could see at the merchandising stand, some Redman t-shirts, Method Man t-shirts and caps, Ready Rock hats and t-shirts, new Wu Tang Clan t-shirts, hoddies, hats, caps... I really wanted to get one Wu Tang hat but I was a little bit broke... I joined the front of the stage because I always want to see as much as possible and feel the energy of the artists but also the crowd.DJ Dice warmed us up with a crazy set. People weren't dancing but they were chilling and appreciating the music. It was surprising in the good way to see so many teenagers here (I think I can still have hope for the next generations about Hip Hop).Garance Productions made us an amazing surprise: one of the best French Rap group performed at the first part. Les 2Bal were on fire and us too! I'm really sorry for those who prefered assisting to another concert... I'm definitly sorry for them... They interpreted old tracks but also new tracks for their next project. Those young people knew all songs by heart! Really!Then we had for second part Ready Rock plus Streetlife. Ready Rock has a newschool rap while you can feel with Streetlife, the Wu Tang touch. Both of them kept the level high.
Thank God we didn't have to wait that much to see landing Red and Mef! They came so quickly that I couldn't record their entrance! Like always, they put us in transe, they rapped their albums in common like Da Rockwilder, Rappers Delight, and their solo albums like All I Need, M-E-T-H-O-D Man, I'll bee dat... We had a special dedication to ODB (RIP) and around the end of the show, DJ Lord Jazz's little girl DJ Glo came on the stage to rap her song... It was so cute and we so a very proud father!The guys were amazing! They gave their lives on the stage, then danced, they talked to us, they jumped like a thousand time on the crowd, they made the show!Everytime I go to a real Hip Hop event, I'm so proud of my heart, my mind and my hears. Real and talented Hip Hop artists are the progeny of Soul music, Jazz and Blues. If we still want our Hip Hop alive, we should continue supporting our culture instead of spending our money in bullshit and following what is "in"! Real talk.We are now waiting for a new Redman album, Crystal and Blackout 3... Stay tuned!
Emotional moment when Method Man talked about ODB...
I LOOOOOVE that Redman's picture!
Millions thank you to Garance Productions, Redman, Method Man, Shareef, Ready Rock, Streetlife, Seven, Naquan, Wulie and Nicolas Skgz! Peace n kiss!Lya Pouleyy