Body Mind Soul Emotions: the importance of alignment

Bonjour my wonderful peacocks!Hope you are doing good and that your vibrations and energy are up up up!Since I focus my coaching on aligning your body, your mind, your soul and your emotions, let me explain how important it is for you, boss babes, to have your 4 Dimensions aligned... (Body Mind Soul Emotions if you don't follow^^).Don't you worry, I am not going to take you to a super spiritual level, we are going to stay here on Earth.First of all, let's look at definitions together. ALIGNMENT: Arrangement in a straight line, or in correct or appropriate relative positions. A position of agreement or alliance.BODY: The physical structure of a person or an animal, including the bones, flesh, and organs. The physical and mortal aspect of a person as opposed to the soul or spirit.MIND: The element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought. A person's mental processes contrasted with physical action.SOUL: The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal. A person's moral or emotional nature or sense of identity. Emotional or intellectual energy or intensity, especially as revealed in a work of art or an artistic performance.EMOTION: A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. Now that we are done with English class, let's go to Latin and Greek class!... No I'm just kidding.But more seriously, you, as a person, are composed by these 4 dimensions. Your body is your primary and only home. Your mind is what makes your body functions. Your soul is your Higher-self, your intuition  (that guy who never fools you). And your emotions are what make feel life, people and things.In your business, like in your life, it is very important to be balanced and aligned, otherwise something is missing in your life and you feel incomplete.Do I need to remind you the importance of a healthy body? Really? We are not talking about looking like Beyoncé or Tyson Beckford, we refer to HEALTH. It means, a great balanced diet with organic products (as pricey as they are)/ good fat/ proteins/ vitamins/ minerals/ carbs etc. A great amount of sleep because if you think that you will rest once dead... You might reach that goal faster than expected. So please, get enough sleep. If you can take a nap, go for it, it is very regenerating, and look at babies: THEY NAP! My wonderful peacocks, You need to drink water. I will never stop writing/ saying that you need to drink your gallon-ish of water. And if you are one of those who don't like water: DRINK WATER! What you want is not always good for you and what is good for you is not always what you want^^. If you can ban sodas forever, that would be great (same for alcohol... I'm just sayin'...). For all your joints, your heart and other organs, please, try not to let yourself go in the overweight circle. No body shaming here, I am talking about health, no physical appearance. Same if you are underweight. Your body need a certain amount of water, fat, muscles etc according to your morphology. And you want to be able to walk, to run, to jump, to do whatever you wish with your body, keep a good stamina, excel... If you have a beautiful house/ apartment that you take care of, that you clean and renovate, you want to do the the with your true only home: your body. And having a healthy body can help you to get more confidence, to be more grounded, to push you to care good care also of your mind and your soul. You want your in and out to be amazing for you. (And of course it goes with drugs, tobacco, refined sugar, unhealthy sex because you do not want some type of energies...)Now your mind... What about your mind? Your dear and cherished mind... Your mind is you without being you! Weird right? Your mind sometimes makes you things you don't want to or doesn't obey to what you want... Your mind, aligned to your body, keeps you alive, trains you, makes decisions, thinks, prevents etc etc. Your mind has to be straight and strong (and healthy), especially as a leader of a enterprise/ a family/ a group... Something amazing about life is that you will never stop learning. You can train your brain until the very end. And you actually need to train your brain, otherwise you will be less and less efficient. Studies shows that if you stop challenging your mind, your physical and mental abilities go away and it is harder than what you think to have them back (except for biking^^). For instance, if you used to dance and you stop for quite a long time, your body will have to re-adapt and you will have to go back to training to have your mojo back. Same for everything. Your mind will have to reconnect to your body for you to re-perform. Now you see the link between body and mind: coordination. I refer to dance bu it is clearly adaptable to anything. And the food that you put in your body affects directly your brain, your cells, your concentration, your skills... If your body is damaged, your brain can not execute what you would like to do. And if your mind is damages, you will do some shitty evil things, and we don't want to do that. We want to be good people (balanced people). If your brain is damage, your body won't function properly.Let's "talk" about the Soul: your Higher-self... Pretty touchy topic so I won't go to deep because everybody has her/his own beliefs/ religion/ spirituality but, I think we can all agree on believing in oneself. If you are alive and you decided to own a company, the be CEO of one, or to have kids or an organization or whatsoever, it is because at some point, you have faith in yourself. You know that you are capable of doing and that you are worthy ?-------------- This, is the soul. That one that is ALWAYS right (if you are wrong, it is because you listened to your heart or your brain^^). Your soul can and has to be nourished. How? It depends, it can be different for anyone, but that is a conversation that we can have in private because there is no right or wrong and it is very personal. Your soul is what keeps you balanced, connected and grounded. Your soul is what will give you compassion when you sometimes your mind takes way too a harsh decision.Your soul is the purest level of you. It is that strong-vulnerable part of you. Your soul is your peace, your hope, your wisdom, your Candide side and your Inner child. You need to protect it from so many external forces. Like your body and your mind, you need to train your soul, but very differently, because while you need to be physically and mentally stronger, you need to maintain a softer and elevated soul. Meditation, creativity, activities, reading, learning, sacral sex, good food for your soul are ideas to help you to respect your soul. And actually, pleasant food is great for your soul! Occasionally, we need comfort food for our soul to feel way better when the soul and/ or emotions are hurt. That is another reason why you need balanced food more than clean food. It happens that, for many reasons, we know that only this "bad" food is going to make us feeling sooooo good, so we need it once in a while, and we immediately feel better after delecting. Healthy food doesn't mean boring food. You are not boring, you soul is not boring, so your diet shouldn't be boring.The last but not the least: the emotions... The ones we tend to be the most reluctant to... Our Achilles' heel... A lot of us are SO afraid because they think that they are going to be betrayed, disrespected, hurt and so on if they show their emotions. Unfortunately, there are a lot of truth but fortunately, it has been proven so many times that we need express our emotions. And like body, mind and soul, emotions can be tamed, trained. You don't feel the same for everything and you shouldn't react with the same intensity to people or situations. Our emotions are here to make us compassionate, or a total asshole,  to appreciate people and things, or to depict them. Emotions are also here to express when we are mad, afraid, disgusted, happy, sad, surprised, contempt... Emotions are the proof that we are alive. We need to communicate them, if not, we will end up with a lot of dysfunctional behaviors... A LOT: violence, addiction, defective sexual conducts, psychosomatic issues, mental issues and so much more.In other words, your emotions will help you to keep your sanity, interact with others and make your world better... Or worst. It just depends on how you use them, balance them and train yourself. Not easy but doable. As a great philosopher once said: "Nothing comes easy, it takes much practice" - Nas - "I Can". If you are happy today, your day will be better, you will feel more amazing than, you will be nicer, more volunteer, your mood will be at its top, you will want to make the world a better place, eat better, exercise, do something for the community, treat yourself, please the others, be generous, create, etc etc etc etc. Your emotions will set your mood, and your mood will set your soul, and your soul will set your mind, and your mind will set you body, and your body will set your emotions... It is a circle. And it goes with all the emotions.So what happens if you are not aligned? It is not a big deal right?!? You can still make money, you can still provide for the others, you can still do whatchu gotta do. But what about YOU? How do you feel if you know that something is off? Why do you need to keep being in the dark? It is not a fate and you have the right to be in peace and serene (and happy incidentally). That sacrifice of yours is not worth it and you shouldn't look at your life decades from now and regret that you didn't take care of your alignment. If you suffer from inside, it is no bueno and it is time to take actions in order to take care of your wonderful self. You need to find why you are not aligned. And I can guide you in that journey: spotting the why and we will find  solutions together. Money shouldn't be your only goal, pleasing the others either. You should be your primary goal and that is how you will be the best for your life mission.I created a unique method "Re" to guide you to align your 4 dimensions, balanced your personal life and professional activity, with a holistic creative approach: .If you want to sign up to the newsletter and join the community with a lot of freebies, sign up here.That's all for me beautiful Beings. Have a beautiful Monday, keep your energy up, think about the positive, focus on yourself and what matters to you, be creative, be active and drink plenty of water!Peace and kiss.


Reparenting Yourself


Problems: enemies or allies?