Beat, Mind 'n Alive Project: Art, to strengthen the bonds between parents and children
Peace to the world!I hope you enjoyed your holidays and summer (even if they are not over yet). Sorry, I disappear AGAIN because, after my laptop, my hard drive died with all my work inside... It was like the end of the road for me :(Anyway, stop complaining and go head Miss Pouleyy! But I have to tell you that I lost my pictures from Caribbean Islands (I wanted to write about my trips), I had wonderful footage of Redman, Method Man's team and many more... I wanted to surprise you but I lost everything... I really thought about giving everything up, but I love writing so bad! I love doing my live reports, shooting artists and make videos, traveling everywhere to transcript you what I see, what I feel... So, I'M BACK and for good ;)For this autumn, I want to talk to you about a project supported by a Hip Hop association: "Beat, Mind 'n Alive". They are all activist in Rap, Graff, DJ'ing, Beatmaking, Beatboxing and Hip Hop dance. They met in Austria and they were surprise of the human and Hip Hop connexion that they had all together. They had the chance to work with children, homeless people, disabled people, refugees, people in retirement houses, and they realize that people are really open minded about Hip Hop, it's just about the way it is introduced to people. They believe that Hip Hop can be for everybody at any age regardless your social condition, health and belief. In their speeches, actions, workshops, they have the power of changing the bad reputation of Hip Hop and they fight for this culture we believe in. Personally, after many many travels, I can tell that Hip Hop with its worths, its respect, its positive messages is still alive and those who don't know about it, just need to discover it. They also have this common point: despite the fact that they are from France, Poland, Austria, UK, and are from different social environements, they had to face the same problem, their family against their involvement in Hip Hop culture. I don't need to tell you how hard it is to be a Hip Hop activist, but what they want, is helping parents to understand Hip Hop, so they could undertand better what it is about, why their children refer to it, why they they love it, what is the real meaning, and no amalgam between Hip Hop and delinquency. At teenagehood, parents and children are very often in conflict with their parents and it's most of the time because of the teenager's choices. If mothers and fathers understand more what it is about and support them or maybe, even guide them, it would help the young feel understood and accepted how he/ she is.
They also want to show to kin that having an artistic carrer or unusual job can be possible as long as you have your family at your sides. Choosing a different way of life is very difficult and the support of your family is the most important. They will guide, encourage, be present, set limits, protect and push to always be good in studies even though he/ she knows what he/ she will do later as work. For more examples, they will film parents of several European countries that demonstrate their life experience to accompany their children to a professional lifestyle which is still so unusual. They will work in conjunction with a group of young people by showing them the importance of education in art, Hip Hop: read, the power of words, count and understand music, music theory and dancer, discipline, rigor, listening, understanding, work, attendance, punctuality, constraints, tasks do (like homework), reflection (like philosophy), if they want to write conscious lyrics or dance on a theme or compose music inspired by a country, they must know History etc ... Work independently and in groups, for those who wish to make a career in art, knowing the marketing aspects, business, communication, management, law, different ways to write the project etc ... On the other hand, we will explain to them the importance of art and Hip Hop in the life of every day; a shy person, through theater, will be much more comfortable to speak, express his/ her opinions ... A young person discovering him/herself a talent feels in an exceptional way and have more confidence in him/her. The Hip Hop culture is a culture that encourage they to surpass themselves, to be combative, not afraid of obstacles and face all the difficulties with philosophy, to never give up. Common way, parents and children that a child is in love with a passion whatever it is, and if he/ she wants to have school extra activity or be a semi professional initially, he/she will have to provide much more school work (two to three times more), to make sacrifices in terms of friends, boy/girlfriends and sometimes miss family moments. This is a harsh reality that should not be overlooked. Will also be given, examples of artists who have succeeded professionally speaking, why and how they got there, and those who have failed, why and how. All workshop participants, will participate in the show at the end of the seminar, which may be a first taste of what life can be as an artist with his/ her daily duties, all the constraints organisations, timetable, work in groups, stress, but also the joys of working on a big project and see a beautiful final result and of course, comforting in the artistic way. Parents and children will work together and strengthen the links that already united them.They want to start this Hip Hop international adventure, that's why they need all our support, and why not comming in your country if you're interested in their project. They made a crowdfunding page, and they need at least 3000€ (but more is really better!), so if you want to involve yourself in this project, feel free to have a look and give the dolla dolla bill yooooooooooooooo! n Kiss Lya Pouleyy